SOYRA Volunteer Opportunities
To run any successful organization takes many people. The SOYRA executive works many hours to organize meetings, presentations and offer you show and exhibition opportunities throughout the year. But, we could always use just a bit more help from our members.
Here are a few volunteer opportunities for your consideration.
If you have any questions or would like to fill a position, please contact us ASAP.
Aurora Town Hall Art Rotation
2 Volunteers required
Yearly position
Purpose: This SOYRA position is open to any member who enjoys people and has a good eye for hanging artwork. This position requires removing previous shows and then installing new works.
Scope: The volunteer would be required to work alone or with another member. You will keep track of participants and their work, and communicate with them with regards to participation and times/dates. You will hang the work coming in with tags and give a list of the artwork and prices to The Town of Aurora for possible sales. You will have artists sign in and sign out their work.
Timeframe: Rotations take place 4 times per year. The approximate time required per rotation is 3 hours in total (1.5 hours at Aurora Town Hall and 1.5 hours of computer work).
Follow up: The volunteer would be required to work with the President, Janice Jones.
You would be required to keep track of who has already been in the rotation that year so no one wanting the opportunity is left out.
Article Writers
2 Volunteers required
Short term position
Purpose: This SOYRA position is open to any member who is interested in writing articles representing SOYRA artists, shows and events.
Scope: The volunteers would be responsible for writing 4 articles each (but not limited to) per calendar year, with articles ranging from 500 to 800 words long.
Articles would be featured in the Auroran newspaper, the blog on our website and on various social media platforms that SOYRA is engaged with.
You would also be required to seek out other opportunities where these articles could be published, eg: Metroland Media outlets, local magazines, other online platforms, etc.
Taking photos at an event or show may be required.
Timeframe: The time required for you to research and write articles based on a deadline that may be issued for a specific piece.
Follow up: The volunteers would be collaborating with our Social Media Content Creator, Lisa Palmer, and sending finished articles to our Website Manager, Eva Folks, for the SOYRA blog.
3 Volunteers required
Short term position
Purpose: This SOYRA position is open to any member who is interested in gathering sponsorship funds from the businesses and organizations to increase SOYRA’s ability to host Art Shows and events. Ideally, you will have a background in sales, finances or sponsorships.
Scope: The volunteers would be required to work alone or in a team to source sponsorship funding by phone calls, emails, visiting local businesses and by vetting online sources. We have a template for you to work from which will help make the process easier.
Timeframe: The approximate time required would be 15-20 hours.
Follow up: The volunteers would be required to work with the Vice President, Andrea Howat.
Publicity Coordinator
1 Volunteer required
Yearly position
Purpose: This SOYRA position is open to any member who is interested in Advertising and Publicity.
Scope: The volunteer would be required to find sources, free or for a fee, where SOYRA could advertise upcoming shows and events.
You would be responsible for finding ways to publicize these events through outside sources such as Curbex signs, signage provided by the Town of Aurora, newspapers, online platforms, radio, tv, etc, and inside sources by coordinating with our Social Media Content Creator, Lisa Palmer, and Website Manager, Eva Folks.
Timeframe: The approximate time required would be 1 hour per week.
Follow up: The volunteer would be required to work with the President, Janice Jones. You would also be required to document the advertising and publicity sources which you have vetted.